October 10, 2019 On Yom Kippur, the holiest day of Jewish calendar, the synagogue in Halle, Germany was attacked. A terrorist with a shotgun tried unsuccessfully to enter the synagogue, where approximately 80 congregants were worshiping. After his failed attempt at the synagogue, he began shooting at nearby individuals, killing two people and wounding two others, none of whom were affiliated with the synagogue.
According to news reports, Stephan Balliet, a 27-year-old German…
654 Results
New York, NY, October 9, 2019 ... ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) issued the following statement concerning Wednesday's reported shooting near a synagogue in Halle, Germany on Yom Kippur:
It is heartbreaking to learn of yet another attack near a synagogue, this time on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year for Jewish people. Reports of two dead and others injured after at least one shooter opened fire in Halle, Germany. We will continue to monitor this devastating situation as we…
September 27, 2019 THE WEEK’S BIG 3
The “okay” hand sign, the Dylann Roof ‘bowlcut’, and 34 other extremist symbols have been added to ADL’s hate symbols database. The Department of Homeland Security unveiled a new strategy that places a priority on domestic terrorism, including the threat posed by the far-right. And the Malaysian Prime Minister, Mahatir Mohamad, who has a history of making deeply offensive and anti-Semitic statements, was invited to…
En la madrugada del 7 de octubre de 2023, tras un periodo de ataque con misiles, unos 3.000 terroristas de Hamás invadieron Israel desde Gaza y atacaron brutalmente 22 comunidades civiles israelíes cercanas a la frontera de Gaza, un festival de música y una docena de bases y puestos de las FDI. Este ataque, que se produjo en una mañana de Shabat de la festividad de Simjá Torá, tomó a Israel por sorpresa. Los hombres armados masacraron sin piedad…
El eslogan es profundamente problemático en dos niveles. En primer lugar, afirmar que la existencia de Israel representa el colonialismo es anular la conexión histórica de los judíos con la tierra de Israel. Los judíos han vivido, se han sentido vinculados y han anhelado la repatriación a Israel durante miles de años, incluso en sus oraciones, liturgia y rituales diarios. No se puede separar al pueblo judío de la tierra. Por tanto,…
Decir que Hamás tiene derecho a resistir por cualquier medio necesario es en realidad una justificación de las bárbaras acciones del 7 de octubre —incluidos el asesinato y secuestro de bebés, ancianos, hombres, mujeres y niños— así como de otras formas de terrorismo utilizadas contra Israel, entre ellas atentados suicidas, tiroteos, apuñalamientos y misiles dirigidos contra núcleos de población civil. …
El eslogan hace referencia a dos periodos de violencia palestina contra Israel —a finales de la década de 1980 y entre 2000 y 2005— en los que terroristas palestinos cometieron actos de violencia indiscriminada contra israelíes, incluyendo atentados suicidas, tiroteos y apuñalamientos, dirigidos contra civiles que viajaban en autobuses urbanos, comían en restaurantes o estaban en discotecas, y con el resultado de más de 1.000 muertos. Este lema se…
El sionismo es el movimiento de liberación nacional del pueblo judío, que defiende el derecho de los judíos a autodeterminarse en su patria ancestral, Israel. Durante 4.000 años, Israel ha estado arraigado en la identidad judía, y ha sido un rasgo de la oración, el aprendizaje, el ritual y las costumbres judías. A pesar de haber sido exiliados de la tierra en repetidas ocasiones, los judíos siempre han buscado regresar a Israel, y…
La situación humanitaria en Gaza es desgarradora y es trágico ver tanto sufrimiento entre los palestinos inocentes. Sin embargo, es vital entender que Hamás es el responsable de esta crisis.
Aunque puede haber críticas legítimas a determinadas políticas israelíes (y egipcias) respecto a Gaza, las acciones y el odio de Hamás son responsables de las difíciles condiciones que soporta la población de Gaza.
Desde que tom…
Quienes plantean el tema de las causas profundas del 7 de octubre suelen afirmar que la supuesta opresión de los palestinos por parte de Israel fue lo que provocó —e incluso justifica— el ataque de Hamás.
El conflicto palestino-israelí tiene décadas y es profundamente complejo. De hecho, se puede argumentar que las "raíces" del conflicto se remontan al rechazo por parte de los líderes palestinos y árabes del derecho del…
El hecho de que 1.200 personas fueran brutalmente asesinadas, mutiladas, quemadas, violadas y profanadas por terroristas de Hamás, y que 240 personas fueran secuestradas de sus hogares y llevadas como rehenes a Gaza, es innegable e incontrovertible.
Parte, pero solo parte, de las pruebas de estas atrocidades proceden de la propia Hamás, que ha compartido con orgullo videos filmados por ellos mismos en los que los terroristas celebran alegremente los asesinatos, las…
by: Jonathan Greenblatt | September 19, 2019 The Times of Israel Heading into the U.N. General Assembly next week, it is rumored that President Trump might sit down with his Iranian counterpart, Hassan Rouhani, when world leaders are gathered in New York City. This despite claims by U.S. officials that Iran was responsible for the drone attacks on Saudi oil fields, the defiant posture of President Trump toward the regime since he came to office, and the Iranian insistence…
September 19, 2019 THE WEEK’S BIG 3
ADL sent two of its most senior leaders to Capitol Hill this week to testify in front of Congress about the global threat of white supremacy and the proliferation of hate online. Police in Arapahoe County, Colorado are investigating a Snapchat image picturing three high school students with a caption using explicitly violent, anti-Semitic language. And after an outcry from ADL, the Women’s March voted to remove a board member with a long…
Remarks by George Selim, Senior Vice President for Programs, ADL September 18, 2019 Washington, D.C., September 18, 2019
My name is George Selim, I serve as the Senior Vice President of Programs at ADL, the Anti-Defamation League. For decades, ADL has fought against bigotry and anti-Semitism by exposing extremist groups and individuals who spread hate and incite violence. Today, ADL is the foremost nongovernmental authority on domestic terrorism, extremism, hate groups and hate…
Remarks by Sharon Nazarian, Senior Vice President for International Affairs, ADL September 18, 2019 Washington, D.C., September 18, 2019
Good afternoon Chairmen Deutch and Rose, Ranking Members Wilson and Walker, and members of the subcommittees. My name is Sharon Nazarian, I serve as Senior Vice President for International Affairs at the Anti-Defamation League. It is an honor to appear before you today.
I am here today to speak to you about the internationalization and increasing…
New York, NY, September 18, 2019 … A new report from ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) provides an in-depth analysis of the international spread of white supremacy. Hate Beyond Borders: The Internationalization of White Supremacy shows how American white supremacists are attempting to export their message and activities and are finding a receptive audience among likeminded bigots overseas.
Produced by ADL’s Center on Extremism in collaboration with extremism researchers…
September 13, 2019 THE WEEK’S BIG 3
ADL is monitoring a spate of anti-Semitic vandalism and graffiti across the country over the past two weeks, including at a synagogue in Los Angeles, a high school in the Bay Area and a residence hall at the University of Nevada, Reno. Several Israeli students in Warsaw were allegedly assaulted by a group of men from Qatar, shouting “Free Palestine” and “Free Gaza.” And in conjunction with the Aspen Institute, ADL announced a…
September 12, 2019 What do I need to know about Israel’s election?
On September 17, 2019, Israel will hold an election for the 22nd Knesset.
The victor of the elections in Israel is determined by the party’s ability to form a coalition government (representing at least 61 seats in the Knesset), therefore making the balance of power between the right and left blocs a key issue. According to the Israeli political system, it is not the party which wins the largest number of…
August 29, 2019 By David Andrew Weinberg | ADL's Washington Director for International Affairs
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi told a visiting delegation earlier this year that he hopes to see a resurgence of Jewish life in Egypt. He reportedly even informed the group that if more Jews return, the government would pay to build more synagogues and other communal institutions. However, this positive message is being undermined by the continued broadcasting of a hateful,…
Echoes & Reflections is dedicated to reshaping the way that teachers and students understand, process and navigate the world through the events of the Holocaust. They partner with educators to help them introduce students to the complex themes of the Holocaust and to understand its lasting effect on the world. GRADE LEVEL: Middle School, High School COMMON CORE STANDARDS: Reading, Writing, Speaking and Listening In this unit, students learn about the ghettos established throughout Nazi…