Tools and Strategies

Resources to Address and Challenge Antisemitism

Teacher Talking to Upset Student in a Classroom

Steven Debenport / iStock

Antisemitism Today

The topic of antisemitism is complex, deeply historical and has a myriad of elements to it. Antisemitism is not only about defaming and attacking the Jewish community; it is a symptom of a larger issue. While antisemitism has sometimes escalated to violence as we saw at the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, it more often appears in subtler ways, such as insensitive remarks or “jokes” that are brushed off, or negative stereotypes that go unchallenged.

Today, Jewish young people are regularly experiencing antisemitic comments, taunts, harassment, hate speech and graffiti in the halls and classrooms of their schools, in their neighborhoods and communities, and in their digital spaces. We can address this by teaching young people the values of mutual respect and equity and how to act as an ally when they see bias of any kind.

Incidents by the Numbers

Antisemitic incidents are still prevalent in school and campus communities. ADL has tracked antisemitic incidents in the U.S. since 1979. The annual audit of reported incidents compiles data on assaults, vandalism and harassment in every U.S. state and the District of Columbia. In 2023, ADL recorded 8,873 antisemitic incidents throughout the U.S. This is a 400% increase from incidents tabulated in 2022 and the highest number on record since ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents. The findings include 1,162 incidents at non-Jewish K-12 schools and 922 incidents at colleges and universities.

Education Resources

Below are education resources you can use in your classroom and home to help young people understand and challenge antisemitism.

Classroom Resources

Resources for Parents, Families and Educators