Your voice is needed now! Your opinion matters and can shape the work of legislators on the federal, state and local levels. ADL’s bipartisan advocacy efforts aim to persuade all of our elected officials to join us in working toward our mission, “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” When we take action together, we are stronger.

Support American October 7th Terror Victims

American Jewish victims and their families continue to struggle with the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel. ADL and Crowell & Moring LLP are leading a federal lawsuit on a pro bono basis suing Iran on behalf of the victims and we urge you to reach out to your Member of Congress to ask that they cosponsor and support swift passage of the American Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act (H.R. 8419). This bill will ensure the U.S. Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism fund has the proper funding to make critical payments to victims and their families for the foreseeable future.

Urgent Actions

Tell Your Governor to Fight Antisemitism

We need state leaders to step up and protect our communities by developing a comprehensive strategy to counter antisemitism. A successful strategy should call on all parts of government, as well as schools, law enforcement and others to focus on education, improving reporting mechanisms, enhancing security for vulnerable institutions and promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Join ADL in calling on your Governor to take bold action against antisemitism in your state.

Demand University Leaders to Combat Antisemitism

Antisemitism is on the rise on college campuses, and it's time for change. Join ADL in urging university leaders to create a safer and more welcoming environment for Jewish students.

Urge Congress to Pass Countering Antisemitism Act

ADL led the effort to create this historic initiative alongside the Co-Chairs of the House and Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism. Join us in the fight against antisemitism and call on Congress to ensure the policies of the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism continue into the future.


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Support American October 7th Terror Victims

American Jewish victims and their families continue to struggle with the aftermath of the October 7, 2023 Hamas attack on Israel. ADL and Crowell & Moring LLP are leading a federal lawsuit on a pro bono basis suing Iran on behalf of the victims and we urge you to reach out to your Member of Congress to ask that they cosponsor and support swift passage of the American Victims of Terrorism Compensation Act (H.R. 8419). This bill will ensure the U.S. Victims of State-Sponsored Terrorism fund has the proper funding to make critical payments to victims and their families for the foreseeable future.

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NY: Urge Lawmakers to #UnMaskHateNY

Antisemitic and harassing conduct has erupted in our streets and on our campuses with a common, alarming trend: many of those engaged in harassment and intimidation wear masks to conceal their identities and terrorize their targets. It's time to reinstate and strengthen New York's masked intimidation laws and ensure that those who hide their identities to harass and intimidate are held accountable. Urge your lawmakers to act to #UnMaskNY.

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ADL Being Silenced on Wikipedia is Wrong

Some Wikipedia editors claim ADL, a global antisemitism authority, is unreliable for defining antisemitism. This risks misinformation and weakens efforts against hate. Join ADL and urge Wikipedia’s board to uphold Jews' right to define and combat antisemitism.

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Tell Your Governor to Fight Antisemitism

We need state leaders to step up and protect our communities by developing a comprehensive strategy to counter antisemitism. A successful strategy should call on all parts of government, as well as schools, law enforcement and others to focus on education, improving reporting mechanisms, enhancing security for vulnerable institutions and promoting interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Join ADL in calling on your Governor to take bold action against antisemitism in your state.

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NY: Pledge to Help Reverse Terrorizing Antisemitic Protests

Terrorism-endorsing protest erupted in New York outside an exhibit aimed at memorializing the victims of Hamas terror at the NOVA festival; vandals defaced the home of the Brooklyn Museum’s Jewish Director; and masked individuals harassed Jews on the NYC subway. This level of hate is a crisis. Please join ADL in taking the pledge against antisemitism to help reverse this dangerous trend.

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Tell Congress to Protect Our Communities from Cyber Harassment

Individuals with malicious intentions can easily post people's personal information to enable others to harass and expose them to potential real world violence. Join ADL in calling on Congress to pass the Doxing Threat Assessment Act so we can make sure federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to address cyber harassment and protect vulnerable communities.

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Tell the Department of Education to Protect Jewish Students

Jewish students have been physically assaulted on campus, prevented from entering campus buildings, told to "go back to Poland" and have faced repeated verbal abuse. Join ADL in urging the Department of Education to designate a senior official to oversee efforts to counter antisemitic discrimination in higher education, as called for by the Countering Antisemitism Act.

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Tell University Leaders to Keep Campuses Safe

As the semester comes to an end, our campuses are facing serious disruptions and a troubling increase in antisemitism, impacting classes, finals and special events. These constant disturbances are unfair and must stop. Join ADL in urging leaders to protect students’ rights to a safe end to the semester and meaningful graduation.

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Tell Our School Board to Keep Schools Safe from Hate

Schools must take steps to recognize and respond to antisemitism. We must ensure that our schools are inclusive learning environments, free from the threat of hate and bigotry. Join ADL in urging your school board to review and reinforce policies that protect all students, including Jewish students, from discrimination and harassment, creating a welcoming and safe school.

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Thank President Biden for Taking a Stand Against Campus Antisemitism

Antisemitism on university campuses poses a serious threat to Jewish students' safety and civil rights. President Biden has taken a firm stance by clearly condemning antisemitic hate and harassment. We need your voice to ensure this issue remains a priority for the administration. Join ADL in urging President Biden to continue advocating for the safety of all students.

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Demand Columbia University Leaders to Combat Antisemitism

Since October 7, antisemitism on Columbia’s campus has been on the rise, with many campus leaders failing to take steps necessary to protect the safety and well-being of Jewish students, faculty, and staff. Join ADL in demanding Columbia University's leaders act immediately.

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Demand Northwestern University President Resigns Over Campus Antisemitism

Jewish students at Northwestern University have faced months of escalating antisemitism, culminating in protestors setting up encampments and fueling antisemitism. Northwestern's President Michael Schill then negotiated with the protestors. Join ADL, Stand with Us and The Brandeis Center in calling for his resignation.

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Thank Congress for Protecting Jewish Communities from Hate

Congress passed a crucial bill that will enhance the safety of Jewish communities throughout the United States. Thanks to the strong advocacy of supporters of ADL like you, the House of Representatives approved $400 million for the Nonprofit Security Grant Program. Please join ADL in expressing gratitude to your U.S. Representative for their commitment to safeguarding our communities from hate.

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Urge Congress to Pass the Countering Antisemitism Act

ADL led the effort to create this historic initiative alongside the Co-Chairs of the House and Senate Bipartisan Task Force for Combating Antisemitism. Join us in the fight against antisemitism and call on Congress to ensure the policies of the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism continue into the future.

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Tell Congress to Establish Smithsonian Museum Dedicated to American Jewish Life

Congress has proposed legislation to study incorporating the Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History into Smithsonian Institute. Join ADL in urging Congress to make a historic investment in education and spark positive conversations about the American Jewish community.

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180,000 Letters to the White House for the 180 Days of Turmoil

We cannot allow another day to pass without standing up for Israel and demanding the release of our hostages.

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Tell Congress to Improve Hate Crime Reporting

Law enforcement participation in hate crimes reporting is voluntary and it decreased in 2022, for the fifth consecutive year. Without having a complete picture of the problem, we cannot effectively address rising antisemitic hate crimes. Join ADL in urging your U.S. Representative to support legislation to improve hate crime reporting nationwide.

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FL: Thank House & Senate for Adopting IHRA Antisemitism Definition

Join ADL, along with Florida Jewish Federations, JCRCs, and other Jewish organizations and institutions in Florida, in thanking Florida lawmakers for supporting the adoption of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) definition of antisemitism.

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Help Pass Protecting Students on Campus Act

A plurality of Jewish college students do not feel safe on campus. Oftentimes, when college students face antisemitism, they don’t how to get help. Universities need to provide resources for students to report potential civil rights violations and support. Join ADL in urging your U.S. Senators to pass the Protecting Students on Campus Act.

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MD: Support Commission on Hate Crime Response & Prevention

Join ADL, The Baltimore Jewish Council, and The JCRC of Greater Washington in urging the Maryland House of Delegates to support HB763. This legislative effort is to change the makeup of the Attorney General's Commission on Hate Crime Response and Prevention.

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IN: Urge Senate to Adopt the IHRA Definition of Antisemitism

ADL, along with the Indianapolis JCRC and other Jewish organizations and institutions in Indiana, supports the HB 1002, which adds the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition of Antisemitism to the education code in Indiana. Join ADL in calling on lawmakers to support HB 1002.

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Support Creation of a National Domestic Terrorism Director

Over the past five years, right-wing extremists have killed more people in the U.S. than international terrorism. Join ADL in advocating for the creation of a National Director of Domestic Terrorism to concentrate on combating violent extremism and improving coordination among law enforcement agencies to protect our country.

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Tell Gaming Companies Hate Is No Game

Online games should be a safe place for people of all ages to make friends and build communities. Unfortunately, a new ADL survey shows that 3 out of 4 young people have been exposed to hate-fueled harassment. Tell Gaming CEOs to act to make gaming safer.

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Tell Congress to Protect Jewish Students

ADL has tracked an unprecedented rise in antisemitism in the United States, particularly on college and university campuses. Join ADL in urging Congress to fully fund the U.S. Department of Education’s (DOE) Office for Civil Rights, and in calling on DOE to take critical steps to protect Jewish students.

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MO: Tell Lawmakers to Protect Nonprofits from Hate

We all deserve to feel safe in our houses of worship. A federal grant program already exists and is being utilized by nonprofit institutions across the country, but the federal program does not go far enough. Join ADL in urging your state legislators to support creating a Nonprofit Security Grant Program in Missouri.

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Urge Congress to Condemn October 7th Sexual Violence

Investigators have documented widespread rape and sexual violence by Hamas against Israeli women and girls. Yet the world remains silent. The U.S. House and Senate have introduced a resolution to recognize and condemn this behavior. Join ADL in asking your federal lawmakers to support this resolution.

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Make Social Media Data on Hate Accessible to the Public

Social media platforms have unparalleled and largely unregulated power to shape our lives in good ways – but also bad. Join ADL in urging the Senate to pass the Platform Accountability and Transparency Act (PATA), making social media data accessible to researchers so they can verify whether platforms are enforcing their own moderation policies.

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Urge U.S. DOE to Make Colleges Safe from Antisemitism

Anger over the Israel-Hamas conflict is fueling the flames of hate on college and university campuses in the U.S. Join ADL in urging the Department of Education (DOE) to fulfill its commitments in the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism to protect students from antisemitic and anti-Israel hostility and make college campuses safe.

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Tell Congress to Condemn Antisemitism on College Campuses

In the aftermath of the Israel-Hamas conflict, Jewish students and faculty members feel uncomfortable, scared and unsafe. These schools should be spaces where Jewish students and teachers can be themselves and learn together with students from various backgrounds.

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Affirm Calling for Genocide of Jews Violates School Policy

When the presidents of Harvard, Penn and MIT were asked before Congress if “calling for the genocide of Jews” could violate school policies, these university presidents equivocated, suggesting it “depends on the context.” Join ADL in asking the president of your university to protect Jewish students against this threatening behavior by affirming that genocidal calls on campus violates their school’s policies.

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Demand the UN and ICRC Work to Release the Hostages

A deal has been reached for the release of some of the 240 hostages remaining in Hamas captivity. Join ADL in urging the International Committee of the Red Cross and the U.N. to take concrete steps to help the hostages in Gaza.

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Thank Your Lawmakers for Supporting the Jewish Community

Our elected officials who are supporting the Jewish community and Israel in this critical moment need to hear from us. Join ADL to thank our elected officials for their support and encourage them to continue this vital work.

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Help Stop Hamas from Spreading Terror Online

Urge your U.S. Representative to support the bipartisan Stopping Terrorists Online Presence and Holding Accountable Tech Entities (STOP HATE) Act, ensuring social media companies are held accountable for their role in curbing terrorism on their platforms and understanding the threat this activity poses to our communities.

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Whole-Of-Internet Approach to Fighting Hate and Extremism

Service providers make it possible for us to go online and do all the things we love to do, like watch videos, play games and shop. Unfortunately, extremists who are organizing online also use these services. Join ADL in urging internet companies to stop doing business with extremists and to unite against hate.

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Urge Your Lawmakers to Combat Antisemitism

ADL is the very public target of an online hate campaign – started by antisemites and amplified by Twitter/X’s owner (who has also threatened to sue ADL). We know that when one of our communities is not safe, none of us are safe. Join ADL in urging your lawmakers to sign on to a letter committing to combat antisemitism and Fight Hate for Good.

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Tell Congress to Protect Citizens from Doxing

Join ADL in calling on Congress to pass the Doxing Threat Assessment Act so we can make sure federal, state and local law enforcement agencies have the tools they need to address cyber harassment and protect vulnerable communities.

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Support Holocaust Education in all 50 States

In a time of heightened antisemitic incidents and attitudes in the U.S., the need to teach the history and lessons of the Holocaust could not be more urgent. Urge your members of Congress to cosponsor the Holocaust Education and Antisemitism Lessons (HEAL) Act to ensure the maximum reach and impact of Holocaust education.

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Urge Social Media Platforms to Moderate Content

ADL is monitoring a surge of antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate, fake news, and propaganda being spread on social media. Social media companies must act to ensure they are not fanning the flames of hate and follow better content moderation practices.

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Tell Facebook to Support Victims of Online Hate

The internet was supposed to be a space for ideas and collaboration, but these days, we’re encountering an overwhelming amount of hate online. According to an ADL Center for Technology and Society report, people targeted by online hate have very few resources to access for help. Join ADL and tell Facebook to increase support for victims of online hate.

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Call for Responsible Journalism Around the Crisis in Israel

As media outlets rush to cover the atrocities of the Hamas attack on Israel, some are using language that equivocates, excuses and/or justifies violence and minimizes the horrors that are unfolding in real-time. Join ADL in signing a petition to major media outlets urging them to report on the war in Israel in a responsible, accurate and compassionate manner, ensuring that their coverage not only honors the lives lost, but accurately describes their killers for who they are – antisemitic terrorists.

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Tell Associated Press to Label Hamas as a Terrorist Group

The Associated Press (AP) serves as a prominent force in news, offering reliable content and setting standards for reporters globally. In the AP's Israel-Hamas guide, widely utilized by news organizations worldwide, Hamas is inaccurately labeled as a “militant group” rather than a terrorist organization. Join ADL in urging the AP to accurately designate Hamas as a terrorist group.

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Protect Facebook and Instagram Users from Hate

Meta continues to allow hateful content to flow unchecked on Facebook and Instagram because it’s good for profits. Urge Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg to enforce and improve Facebook and Instagram’s safety policies, properly resource safety teams, and be transparent about how the platforms address hate and harassment.

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Tell Amazon to Stop Profiting off Antisemitism

If you were to type "Hebrew" into the Amazon search bar, almost every result will include an iteration of the antisemitic film Hebrews to Negros. Promoting vicious and hateful propaganda in the name of increasing profit sales makes our communities less safe. Join ADL in demanding that Amazon stops giving a platform to antisemitism and commits to stop selling hate products.

ADL Plans



ADL's COMBAT Plan offers a comprehensive, six-part framework for leaders at every level of government to condemn antisemitism, authorize and improve hate crimes laws, stop the spread of antisemitism online and protect Jewish institutions often targeted by antisemitic acts.



ADL's PROTECT Plan aims to address increasing domestic terrorism driven by domestic violent extremism while safeguarding civil rights and civil liberties. Domestic terrorism is a threat that impacts everyone.



ADL's REPAIR Plan offers a comprehensive framework for platforms and policymakers to take meaningful action to decrease online hate and extremism. REPAIR addresses many manifestations of online hate, including online harassment, antisemitism, racism, extremist disinformation and domestic terrorism.