ADL provides data, analysis and digital products on global antisemitic attitudes and trends. We raise awareness, innovate and create new interventions to ensure that societies at large are not bystanders to antisemitism and hate. We convene the J7 Task Force, comprised of leaders from seven large Diaspora Jewish communities to discuss common challenges, develop coordinated strategies and share best practices. In addition, we actively engage with Spanish-speaking communities through ADL en Español, making ADL resources available in Spanish to foster awareness, advocacy and education in the fight against antisemitism and hate worldwide.


College students in ADL's Words to Action training

Educational Program

Words to Action®, an interactive program designed to help Jewish high school and college students examine their identities and be equipped with constructive and effective responses to combat antisemitism and anti-Israel bias.

ADL Impact

Task Force Against Antisemitism

ADL established the J7 Task Force, comprised of leaders from seven large Diaspora Jewish communities to discuss common challenges, develop coordinated strategies and share best practices. Through this coalition and joint advocacy, ADL convenes global Jewish communities to consult and collaborate on fighting antisemitism. ADL also annually convenes its Global Jewish Roundtable with 60 Jewish community leaders from 27 countries to enhance global collaboration in the fight against antisemitism.

Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism

ADL supported the drafting and rollout of the Global Guidelines for Countering Antisemitism. The Global Guidelines provide a set of best practices for countries and international organizations to follow to combat antisemitism, including naming Special Envoys and embracing the IHRA Working Definition. ADL then supported a bipartisan resolution which passed by a vote of 388-21 which welcomed the Global Guidelines and urged additional countries and international bodies to join the U.S. in adopting them.

Support in Amsterdam and Brussels

After the antisemitic attack in Amsterdam in November 2024, ADL was on the ground in Europe in support of small, vulnerable, Jewish communities in Amsterdam and Brussels. ADL met with Dutch and Belgian political leaders to urge concrete, practical and actionable steps on behalf of the Jewish communities. For smaller Jewish communities who have faced antisemitism, having a major organization like ADL advocate to their governments makes the community stronger, draws attention to the fact that Jewish people around the world are watching and expecting government action to counter antisemitism.