Richard Gage speaks at an AE911Truth event in Watertown, MA in Dec. 2016.
Update: In early September 2021, AE911Truth’s board voted to remove Richard Gage from his position as the organization’s CEO, citing controversy generated by his “off-mission” (Covid-19-related) comments that were highlighted in a Slate article about Spike Lee’s 9/11 documentary, “NYC Epicenters 9/11-2021 ½.” Lee recut the documentary’s final episode following…
1220 Results
The New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) movement is a loose network of independent churches concentrated in the U.S. connected by their belief in certain religious doctrines and a shared brand of deeply anti-LGBTQ and antisemitic teachings.
Pastor Steven Anderson founded the movement’s flagship, Faithful Word Baptist Church in Arizona in 2005, though most of the churches affiliated with the movement today were founded in the past five years.
New IFB pastors frequently…
Once largely relegated to white supremacist rhetoric, “The Great Replacement” has made its way into mainstream consciousness in the past several years. From the chants of “Jews Will Not Replace Us” on the University of Virginia campus to then-U.S. Rep. Steve King’s tweeted protest, “We can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies,” to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson’s complaints that the Democratic party is attempting to …
Rizza Islam speaking at the Nation of Islam’s 2021 Saviours’ Day conference at Mosque Maryam in Chicago.
Key Points:
Ronnie Steven “Rizza” Islam is a member of the Nation of Islam
Mr. Islam is also a social media influencer, with more than 500K followers
He regularly posts antisemitic, anti-LGBTQ and anti-vaccine rhetoric
Mr. Islam also espouses a range of conspiracy theories
Ronnie Steven &ldquo…
Logos for Nationalist Front and the Aryan Nationalist Alliance.
Nationalist Front, which was an umbrella organization led by the National Socialist Movement (NSM), was formed to unite various facets of the white supremacist movement. Its ultimate goal was to create a white ethno-state in America. Nationalist Front fell apart in late 2017-early 2018.
Nationalist Front was originally called the Aryan Nationalist Alliance. The Aryan Nationalist Alliance was…
Key PointsThe Goyim Defense League is a loose network of individuals connected by their virulent antisemitism. The group includes five or six primary organizers/public figures, dozens of supporters and thousands of online followers.GDL operates GoyimTV, a video platform that streams antisemitic content.GDL espouses vitriolic antisemitism and white supremacist themes via the internet, through propaganda distributions and in street actions.GDL engages in antisemitic stunts and schemes to…
Key Points
The militia movement is a right-wing anti-government extremist movement that formed in 1993-1994, primarily in reaction to federal gun control measures and to deadly standoffs between civilians and federal agents. Much of the movement focuses on paramilitary activities.
Militia movement adherents have traditionally believed that the federal government is collaborating with a shadowy conspiracy (the “New World Order”) to strip Americans of their rights, starting…
Key Points
NSC-131 is a neo-Nazi group based in the New England region.
Members consider themselves soldiers at war with a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race.
NSC-131 seeks to form an underground network of white men who are willing to fight against their perceived enemies through localized direct actions.
Members espouse racism, antisemitism and intolerance via the Internet, propaganda distributions…
Ideología: Principalmente “alt lite” o nueva derecha: misoginia, islamofobia, transfobia y antiinmigrante. Algunos miembros defienden ideologías antisemitas y de supremacía blanca y/o participan en grupos de supremacismo blanco.
Miembros: Cantidad desconocida, probablemente varios cientos.
Características notables: Los miembros suelen usar camisetas polo Fred Perry negras y amarillas.
Huella global: Los Proud Boys tienen capítulos en la…
Antifa: definición e historia
El movimiento de protesta antifascista, conocido como antifa, adquirió nuevo protagonismo en Estados Unidos después de la manifestación "Unite the Right" del supremacismo blanco en Charlottesville, VA, en agosto de 2017. En Charlottesville y en muchos eventos posteriores organizados por los supremacistas blancos o los extremistas de derecha, los activistas antifa han enfrentado agresivamente lo que ellos consideran son movimientos y…
Término utilizado para referirse a una teoría de conspiración de derecha que se hizo popular entre los extremistas antigubernamentales a partir de la década de 1990. Los conspiradores del "Nuevo Orden Mundial" creen que una conspiración tiránica y socialista de "un solo mundo" ya se ha apoderado de la mayor parte del planeta y conspira para eliminar el último bastión de la libertad, Estados Unidos, con ayuda de colaboradores al interior…
QAnon es una teoría de conspiración de gran alcance y popular entre la extrema derecha e incluso algunos partidarios públicos del Presidente Trump.
QAnon surgió en 2017 en 4chan y es fundamentalmente un movimiento de provocación y desinformación en línea. Aunque es difícil medir el tamaño del movimiento, es probable que los partidarios de QAnon sean decenas de miles.
Los partidarios siguen a la anónima Q y creen que…
Key Points
The boogaloo movement is an anti-government extremist movement that formed in 2019. In 2020, boogalooers increasingly engaged in real world activities as well as online activities, showing up at protests and rallies around gun rights, pandemic restrictions and police-related killings.
The term “boogaloo” is a slang reference to a future civil war, a concept boogalooers anticipate and even embrace.
The ideology of the boogaloo movement is still developing but is…
Key Points
Black Hebrew Israelites are not the same as Black Jews or Jews of color.
Not all Black Hebrew Israelite organizations are antisemitic or extremists.
The Black Hebrew Israelite movement is divided into organizations or sects that operate semi-independently across the United States.
Black Hebrew Israelites believe that they are the true Israelites and that the Twelve Tribes of Israel are people of color.
Popular activities include street teachings and public speaking…
Incels are heterosexual men who blame women and society for their lack of romantic successA subset of the online misogynist “manosphere” that includes Pick Up Artists and Men’s Rights Activists, incels are known for their deep-seated pessimism and profound sense of grievance against womenThe incel ideology is rooted in the belief that women have too much power in the sexual/romantic sphere and ruin incels’ lives by rejecting them Incels are the most…
Key Points: QAnon is a decentralized, far-right political movement rooted in a baseless conspiracy theory that the world is controlled by the “Deep State,” a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, and that former President Donald Trump is the only person who can defeat it. QAnon emerged on 4chan in 2017, when an anonymous poster known as “Q,” believed by Qanon followers to be a team of U.S. government and military insiders, began posting cryptic messages online…
Key Points
Groypers are a loose network of alt right figures who are vocal supporters of white supremacist and “America First” podcaster Nick Fuentes.
Patrick Casey, who heads the white supremacist American Identity Movement, is also a “lead” Groyper.
Groypers regularly confront mainstream conservative organizations like Turning Point USA (TPUSA) for failing to promote a truly “America First” agenda and for not being adequately “pro…
The Base is a small militant neo-Nazi organization that emerged mid-2018 and is primarily active in the U.S.
The group members portray themselves as vigilante soldiers defending the “European race” against a broken “system” that has been infected by Jewish values.
The Base embraces Hitlerian ideology coupled with a mission to prepare for an impending race war.
The group espouses nihilistic and accelerationist rhetoric— an ideology…
Note: For additional information and historical background on the extremist sects of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement, please see our backgrounder.
On December 10, 2019, a kosher market in Jersey City was attacked by two individuals. The store's owner, an employee, and one customer were killed, as was Detective Joseph Seals. There are reports that the alleged perpetrators may have been members of the Black Hebrew Israelite movement.
There are many sects which…
Feuerkrieg Division (FKD)
Key Points
A small international neo-Nazi group that advocates for a race war and holds some of the white supremacist movement’s most extreme views.
Feuerkrieg Division, or FKD, calls for violence against their perceived enemies and destruction of “the system,” or society at large, which they believe is controlled by the Jews.
Established in late 2018, FKD is an international organization with about 30 members.
FKD has European…