Update: On January 11, 2022, Kaleb Cole was sentenced to 7 years in prison after being found guilty of intimidation in September of 2021. Cole and three other individuals delivered threatening messages to residents of Western Washington, including members of the Jewish community and employees of the Anti-Defamation League. The trial itself lasted 2 days with the Jury needing only 90 minutes to convict Cole of 5 counts including conspiracy, mailing threatening communications and…
1220 Results
UPDATE: On January 13, 2022, federal authorities arrested Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes on charges of seditious conspiracy for his role in the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol. In addition to Rhodes, ten other Oath Keepers – nine of whom were already facing conspiracy charges relating to the attack – were charged with seditious conspiracy, and these individuals are the first to face seditious conspiracy charges for…
UPDATE: On January 6, 2021, now infamous footage captured during the Capitol insurrection showed New York Proud Boy Dominic Pezzola ripping a riot shield from the hands of a Capitol Police officer, before using it to smash a window through which rioters poured into the building. Throughout the day, other individuals associated with the right-wing extremist Proud Boys played key roles in the insurrection, engaging in numerous acts of destruction and violence, assaulting members of law…
Updated: January 13, 2020 UPDATE: On January 13, 2020, TruNews announced that Paypal, as well as the donor management companies Bloomerang and Spreedly, had stopped processing their donations. TruNews claims it is still able to process online credit card contributions via Stripe.
In an anti-Semitic, conspiracy theory-laced letter to supporters, TruNews founder Rick Wiles ascribed the change to his coverage of "Israeli Mossad’s blackmail operation through the fake billionaire Jeffrey…
Update: In May 2020, the LoSA fell apart when the bulk of the group’s membership left to join NSC-Dixie, a southern chapter of the New England-based Nationalist Social Club. By March 2021, the NSC announced they would no longer have chapters outside the New England area. Members of NSC-Dixie attempted to rebrand under other names, but fell apart in April 2021 after Craig Spaulding, their most prominent leader and organizer passed away.
Key Points
Legion of Saint Ambrose …
Key Points
Three Percenters are part of the militia movement, which supports the idea of a small number of dedicated “patriots” protecting Americans from government tyranny, just as the patriots of the American Revolution protected early Americans from British tyranny.
The Three Percenter concept, created in 2008, is based on an inaccurate historical claim that only three percent of Americans fought in the Revolutionary War against the British.
Three Percenters may join…
The Alt Right
Alt right, short for “alternative right,” is a repackaging of white supremacy by extremists seeking to mainstream their ideology.
The term emerged in 2010 and started to gain widespread traction in 2016.
People who identify with the alt right regard mainstream or traditional conservatives as weak and impotent, largely because they do not adequately support white racial…
Neturei Karta (NK), an international ultra-Orthodox anti-Zionist group with a strong base of support in the U.S., views itself as the religious Jewish authority on Zionism and Israel and claims to “pray for the peaceful dismantlement of the state of Israel.”
Founded in 1938, “Neturei Karta” (Aramaic for “Guardians of the Gates”) opposes the contemporary state of Israel because it does not believe that the Jewish people have the right to self…
Key Points
Turning Point USA TPUSA is a right-wing student organization.
Founded in 2012 by Charlie Kirk, TPUSA has raised millions from conservative donors and has played a significant role in GOP politics and elections.
Since the group’s founding. Kirk has moved further to the right and has promoted numerous conspiracy theories about election fraud and Covid-19 and has demonized the transgender community.
Kirk also promotes Christian nationalism: the idea that…
Key Points
New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA) is a small, New Jersey-based white supremacist group.
NJEHA espouses racism, anti-Semitism and intolerance under the guise of “saving” white European peoples from purported imminent extinction.
NJEHA spreads their hateful propaganda online and by distributing fliers in central New Jersey.
NJEHA has organized and participated in white supremacist rallies and demonstrations.
Created in…
Key Points
Keystone State Skinheads/Keystone United, Pennsylvania’s most active white supremacist group, refers to itself as “an activist fraternal organization that advocates on behalf of Whites.”
In the last two years Keystone State Skinheads/Keystone United has markedly increased its public activism.
Keystone State Skinheads/Keystone United promotes its white supremacist ideology under the guise of “defending [their] heritage.”
Keystone State…
Key Points
Loyal White Knights (LWK) is the one of the largest and most active Klan groups in the United States.
LWK members follow a version of traditional Klan ideology infused with neo-Nazi beliefs.
LWK are best known for their distribution of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant, homophobic and Islamophobic propaganda.
LWK have organized and participated in public white supremacist rallies; they also hold private gatherings and cross burning ceremonies.
Key Points
Loyal White Knights (LWK) is the one of the largest and most active Klan groups in the United States.
LWK members follow a version of traditional Klan ideology infused with neo-Nazi beliefs.
LWK are best known for their distribution of racist, antisemitic, anti-immigrant, homophobic and Islamophobic propaganda.
LWK have organized and participated in public white supremacist rallies; they also hold private gatherings and cross burning ceremonies.
Shield Wall Network (SWN) is a small white supremacist group based in Mountain View, Arkansas, with chapters in Tennessee and West Virginia.
SWN promotes racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric. Members organize white supremacist rallies and conferences, and attend events organized by other white supremacist groups.
SWN’s primary goal is to build a white ethno-state.
The Shield Wall Network (SWN) is a white supremacist group, led by Billy Roper, whose goal is to build a…
There are hundreds of white supremacist groups in the United States, from Ku Klux Klan organizations to racist skinhead gangs. Most white supremacists don’t actually belong to organized groups, but hate groups provide white supremacists with most of the propaganda, ideology and motivation to act for the whole movement, and are highly visible examples of America’s white supremacy problem.
So how do these hate groups form? The answer to that question isn’t as…
Update: The small, local crews of young white men who followed and supported Andrew Anglin and his neo-Nazi website, were responsible for 82 propaganda distributions in 2019 and 80 in 2018 but are currently inactive. Daily Stormer contributor Robert Warren Ray, aka Azzmador, remains on the lam from felony charges related to his alleged use of pepper spray on counter protesters during the tiki torch-lit march through the University of Virginia campus the night before UTR. In September…
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The League of the South (LoS) is a white supremacist group that advocates for southern secession and an independent, white-dominated South.
The LoS espouses racist and anti-Semitic rhetoric. It organizes white supremacist rallies, conferences and flash demonstrations, and attends events organized by other white supremacist groups.
Founded in 1994, the LoS has been stagnant until recently, but is raising its public profile, holding multiple public events and quickly…
National Socialist Movement logo
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The National Socialist Movement is a neo-Nazi group.
Burt Colucci has led the NSM since March 2019.
In decline for several years, the NSM’s core membership has fallen to one or two dozen.
The NSM is known for holding public rallies and protests dressed in Nazi-styled uniforms.
The National Socialist Movement (NSM) is a neo-Nazi group with membership scattered around the country. Once the largest and most…
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ROF is a Florida-based white supremacist group whose goal is to form a white ethno-state in Florida.
ROF borrows paramilitary concepts from the militia movement and engages in paramilitary training.
ROF attends events organized by other white supremacist groups and spreads its hateful and anti-Semitic propaganda online.
The Republic of Florida Militia (ROF) is a small, Tallahassee-based, white supremacist group that borrows paramilitary concepts from the anti…
TWP remained active through early 2018, when the group dissolved into chaos after co-founder and leader Matthew Heimbach was arrested for domestic battery for allegedly assaulting his wife and father-in-law. In February 2021, Heimbach supposedly renounced his white supremacist beliefs, but reversed course in July 2021, returning as a “white socialist” and host of “National Bolshevik Public Radio.”
Key Points:
• TWP is a neo-Nazi…