Fred Leuchter
Fred Leuchter is best known for his work The Leuchter Report, a pseudoscientific report that claims that the gas chambers at Auschwitz were not used to kill people, that Zyklon B was only used for disinfection and that the crematoria did not have the capacity to burn corpses at the level they did. This report has become a standard resource in the Holocaust denial and revisionism space as “scientific evidence,” although his research has been widely discredited by scientists and historians. He wrote this report after being hired by fellow Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel to testify in his trial defense in 1988 that Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek contained no gas chambers used for execution.
In his words:
- “there was no holocaust without mass extermination, and the mass extermination was accomplished with gas chambers. That's it. So the holocaust didn't happen. I'm not denying it. I'm just telling you what the evidence shows.” - August 2019 interview with Jim Rizoli
- “I am a denier of nothing. I cannot deny something that there is no evidence for, at all... As happened in the past, the search for gas Chambers stretched across Europe. First France, then Germany, then Poland and now Russia. Every time investigations have proved the Gas Chambers did not exist they moved to another location. Now they in in Camps that no longer exist. We can do no forensic study. So they can further the Religion of the Holocaust.” - 2014 post on Fred Leuchter’s Facebook
- “The term Holocaust means a great conflagration and refers to the erroneous burning of 6 million Jews in an extermination plot! That is all it means and that is all that is objected to by Revisionists. The rest is just foolishness. The extermination plot was allegedly effected [sic] by the use of Gas Chambers that never existed. As an Expert without Peer I proved that none of this ever happened. There were no Gas Chambers and no Jews were exterminated in them. Let us bury this lie now and forever!” - 2020 post by Leuchter on Michael Santomauro’s Facebook