John Fitzgerald
John Fitzgerald, a candidate in 2018 for California’s East Bay House seat, is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist and Holocaust denier. While running, he appeared on a radio show hosted by antisemite Andrew Carrington Hitchcock and claimed the goal of his campaign was to expose the lie that is the Holocaust. While speaking with the New York Times, he doubled down on his denial, calling the Holocaust a “complete fabrication.” Also during his campaign, a robocall targeting East Bay voters urged them to, “End the Jewish takeover of America and restore our democracy by voting John Fitzgerald for U.S. Congress,” adding, “Your vote for John Fitzgerald means no more U.S. wars for Israel based on their lies, like the Jewish conducted attack on 9/11.”
In his words:
- “Everything we’ve been told about the Holocaust is a lie. My entire campaign, for the most part, is about exposing this lie.” - 2018 Interview with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock