ADL leaders were at the original March on Washington in 1963 with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and other civil rights leaders to witness the historic “I Have a Dream” speech. We were honored to co-chair the 2023 momentous event which was not a commemoration, but a continuation of that landmark moment in the fight against hate and to secure justice and fair treatment for all.

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2023 March on Washington

The ADL community led Jewish communal participation in the 60th Anniversary of the March on Washington as a co-chair of the event with the King family and other leaders from the civil rights movement. As the nation reckons with bigotry and hate, ADL continues its unwavering support in the fight for democracy, social justice and civil rights.

March on Washington Brings Inspiration and Hope

The Jewish community came together in solidarity with our Black community partners and other allies to continue the pursuit of equal rights, so we can once and for all achieve Dr. King’s dream.

As ADL’s CEO said on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, “We stand together because we know that, in the same breath, those who spew ugly anti-Black racism on our airwaves, in our newsfeeds and within our communities, they also so often spew vicious, vile antisemitism. And vice versa. You see, the fates of the Black and Jewish peoples—and those who share both identities—are intertwined. While many of us have different histories, we all have shared experiences.”

Martin Luther King III encouraged us with these words: “It is we the people who can make changes…represent history in the right way…ensure hatred and hostility is not espoused all over our nation. But we need us all to be engaged.”

His wife, Arndrea Waters King, galvanized the crowd with the reminder that “Today, hate is being shaken to its core. Walls are crashing down. Walls of racism, bigotry, intolerance, antisemitism, xenophobia. That’s what happens when we stand together.”

We Must Continue the Fight

As marchers basked in the hope of fulling Dr. King’s dream, racist hate-fueled violence claimed the lives of three Black people in a predominantly Black neighborhood of Jacksonville, Florida. And just like that, we were reminded the work is far from over.

Capitol Building Illustration

Demand Protection of Our Communities from Hate

Tell your U.S. Senators to fund the Nonprofit Security Grant Program so community centers, Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other nonprofits can meet the rising threat of hate.

Act Now.

Want to go further in learning about the legacy of Dr. King?

Here are some resources to guide you.


March on Washington's 60th Anniversary Co-Chairs Logos

Partnering Jewish Organizations

March on Washington 60th Participating Jewish Org Logos


Fight Antisemitism

Explore resources and ADL's impact on the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism.