
Animated Video Enacts Killing of Knesset Member Yehuda Glick by Palestinian Terrorists

by: Shaya Lerner

July 06, 2016

Following the spate of gruesome Palestinians terror attacks which took the lives of Hallel Ariel and Rabbi Miki Mark (whose killing was glorified on Arabic-language social media), a video has surfaced on social media calling for the killing of Israeli Knesset Member and Temple Mount activist Yehuda Glick. Glick, like the late Rabbi Mark, lives in the settlement of Otniel. He is best known for surviving a Palestinian assassination attempt in October 2014 in reaction to advocating that Jews be allowed to visit the Temple Mount.

The two-minute long animated video shows Palestinian terrorists infiltrating the settlement of Otniel, and shooting Glick to death outside his home. It ends with a voiceover in broken Hebrew saying “Jews are forever forbidden from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque. One who violates this should come with Jewish burial shrouds (“Tachrichim”), for his fate is that of Yehuda Glick, only this time we kill.”

