
Domestic Islamist Extremism Arrests in US Jumped 50%, New Report Says; Jewish Community Concern Over Report of Arson Attack in Iran on the Tomb of Esther and Mordechai

ADL Headlines newsletter

May 22, 2020


There was a 50 percent increase in arrests and plots linked to domestic Islamist extremism in the United States in 2019, according to new data from ADL. The international Jewish community expressed concern and condemnation over a purported arson attack on the Tomb of Esther and Mordechai in Iran. The House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism had an online hearing on Wednesday to discuss the rise of extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Read on for more on these headlines, news you can use to fight hate and the latest info about ADL from around the country.

1. Domestic Islamist Extremism Arrests and Plots in US Jumped 50% Last Year, New ADL Data Shows

“According to the data, compiled by the ADL’s Center on Extremism, there were a total of 30 arrests linked to domestic Islamist extremism in 2019, nine of which were for terror plots.” Algemeiner: READ MORE

+ ADL Report: Domestic Islamist Extremism 2019

2. Holy Jewish Site of Esther and Mordechai Set Ablaze in Iran

“National Director of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) Jonathan Greenblatt announced Friday on Twitter that the tomb of Esther and Mordechai in Iran was torched. ‘Disturbing reports from Iran that the tomb of Esther & Mordechai, a holy Jewish site, was set afire overnight. We hope that the authorities bring the perpetrators of this antisemitic act to justice & commit to protecting the holy sites of all religious minorities in Iran,’ Greenblatt tweeted.” The Jerusalem Post: FULL STORY

+ Tweet from Antisemitism Envoy Elan Carr: We strongly condemn the attack on the Tomb of Esther & Mordechai in Hamedan #Iran, which follows a threat last Feb. against the site...

+ ADL Resource: Battling COVID, Iran Regime Makes Jews its Bogeyman

3. House Panel: Extremists Exploit Coronavirus Crisis to Spread Hate

“The House Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism had an online hearing on Wednesday to discuss the rise of extremism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Rep. Max Rose (D-New York) moderated a panel with Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt and Ali Soufan, a leading national security and counterterrorism expert.” The Jerusalem Post: FULL STORY

+ ADL Resource: Reports of Anti-Asian Assaults, Harassment and Hate Crimes Rise as Coronavirus Spreads

+ ADL Resource: Islamophobes React to Coronavirus Pandemic with Anti-Muslim Bigotry