
Educator's Lesson Plan: Nelson Mandela

by: Mark Onofrio

December 06, 2013


Nelson Mandela

AP Photo/Pool-Theana Calitz-Bilt, Pool

Many educators want to incorporate the passing of significant figures into their classroom discussion. ADL’s Education Division provides resources to educators about contemporary issues and current event topics to help make classroom learning more dynamic forums for critical thinking.

In celebration and memory of the life of Nelson Mandela, this special edition of The Current Events Classroom provides students the opportunity to learn, in several ways, more about Nelson Mandela and his extraordinary life.

Nelson Mandela, former South African President and a courageous leader, dedicated his life to ending apartheid and building a free, multiracial and democratic South Africa.  He led by example to inspire a more equal world.  Nelson Mandela will be long remembered as one of the greatest figures of his generation and one of the most inspirational and effective freedom-fighting figures in modern history. Get classrooms to discuss Nelson Mandela’s life and legacy here: Download the lesson plan.