
New Black Panther Party Traveling to Cleveland To Inflame Tense Situation

by: Oren Segal

July 14, 2016

The lead­ers of the New Black Pan­ther Party (NBPP), the largest orga­nized anti-Semitic and racist Black mil­i­tant group in Amer­ica, will be in Cleveland July 14-17 ahead of the Republican convention, where they will likely inflam­e the already tense sit­u­a­tion fol­low­ing the fatal shoot­ings of Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota and the killing of five police officers in Dallas.

The NBPP is one of a number of extremist groups protesting in Cleveland during the GOP convention.

Hashim Nzinga (left) and Malik Zulu Shabazz (right) lead protestors in Charleston

Hashim Nzinga (left) and Malik Zulu Shabazz (right) lead protestors in Charleston

Exploiting high-profile shootings for publicity and sometimes calling for violence against law enforcement is a common tactic of the NBPP. This is especially concerning since the racist and anti-Semitic Chairman of the NBPP, Hashim Nzinga, told Reuters on July 13 that the NBPP members protesting in Cleveland will be armed. Nzinga stated, “If that state allows us to bear arms, the Panthers and others who can legally bear arms will bear arms.”

While Nzinga and other prominent NBPP leaders such as “spiritual advisor” and former Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz attempt to por­tray them­selves as civil rights activists, in reality they inject big­otry and vio­lent rhetoric into high-profile racially-charged events.

Some instances of the NBPP leaders calling for violence against law enforcement in response to such events include:

  • In May 2015, in the after­math of Fred­die Gray’s death in Bal­ti­more, Shabazz orga­nized protests and called for vio­lence against law enforce­ment on Fox News Radio’s “The Alan Colmes Show.” Shabazz told Colmes that “those young Bal­ti­more youth are liken to the Pales­tini­ans bat­tling an Israeli occupier…some peo­ple might need to get hurt in self-defense.”
  • After Michael Brown was killed by police in Fer­gu­son, Mis­souri, Shabazz and other NBPP lead­ers trav­eled to Fer­gu­son, aggra­vat­ing the sit­u­a­tion there. Shabazz led pro­test­ers in chants call­ing for the death of the offi­cer who shot Michael Brown. Using a mega­phone, Shabazz yelled, “Who do we want?” The pro­tes­tors responded, “Dar­ren Wil­son!” Shabazz: “How do we want him?” Pro­tes­tors: “Dead!”
  • Shabazz wrote on Face­book on August 14, 2014 that if the name of the offi­cer who shot Michael Brown was not released, he would release the officer’s name and address to “give the demon­stra­tors a clearer target.”
  • NBPP Chief of Staff Chawn Kweli posted a state­ment on Face­book on August 10, 2014 regarding Ferguson that read: “IF NEED BE PUT AS MANY AGGRESSORS IN THE COFFINS THEY PICKED OUT FOR YOU IN SELF DEFENSE…IF YOU DIE, DIE LIKE A WARRIOR.”

The NBPP has also made more general calls for violence after high-profile killings, including:

  • On Black Power Radio in June 2015, regarding protests after the death of Freddie Gray, Shabazz jus­ti­fied the burn­ing down of a CVS and told his audi­ence that “we’re gonna stop all of this god­damn talk­ing and raise up an army and deal with you motherf----rs”
  • In June 2015 in Charleston, South Carolina, Shabazz organized a rally in front of the Emanuel AME Church in the aftermath of the shooting that killed nine people in which he stated, “Den­mark Vesey [who planned a slave rebellion in 1822 in which he intended to kill the governor and set fire to the city] had a plan to kill all the slave mas­ters in the state. Den­mark Vesey had a plan to kill every last one of them and kill all their god­damn fam­i­lies, and we need some new Den­mark Veseys today. We gotta com­plete what Den­mark didn’t fin­ish. He never fin­ished his mis­sion, but the real chil­dren of Den­mark Vesey is [sic] out here today.”
  • In 2012, the NBPP, then under the lead­er­ship of Shabazz, also offered a $10,000 reward for the “dead or alive” cap­ture of George Zim­mer­man, the man who shot and killed Trayvon Mar­tin in Florida.
  • The NBPP’s Tampa chap­ter Chief of Staff, Michelle Williams, spoke on the group’s web radio pro­gram on April 2, 2012. “I am for vio­lence if non-violence means we con­tinue to post­pone a solu­tion to the Amer­i­can Black man’s prob­lem just to avoid vio­lence,” she said. Williams added, “This could not have hap­pened in St. Peters­burg, Florida, where the Black man over there ain’t scared to kill a cracker…If some­one put their hands on you, you bet­ter send that god­dam cracker to the ceme­tery grave.”

Additionally, NBPP also has used these high-profile shooting cases to make other racist and anti-Semitic statements:

  • In a Black Power Radio broadcast on July 4, 2016 titled “America on the Hotseat: The End of White Supremacy,” Nzinga stated, “We're dealing with a beast, man, and we gotta speak power to truth, and we gotta unite. We’re dealing with the Jewish onslaught…People should get the Jewish Onslaught by Tony Morton about how these Jews have hacked into my email today and how these Jews control the media and control so damn much…and run America…”
  • In a May 2015 online radio broadcast regarding the aftermath of Freddie Gray’s death in Baltimore, Nzinga injected anti-Semitism into the dis­cus­sion, employ­ing a com­mon trope of his: that a sup­pos­edly Jewish-controlled media nefar­i­ously por­trays Black peo­ple in a neg­a­tive light. “And with your Jew­ish and your mostly meno­rah, I mean major­ity, uh, minority-owned TV sta­tions, going to paint a pic­ture like something’s wrong with us,” Nzinga stated.
  • Related to Ferguson, Nzinga addressed the NBPP on the August 11, 2014 online broad­cast of Black Power Radio titled “Mur­der In Mis­souri– Michael Brown And Blood Thirsty Pigs– The Bat­tle Is On!” Nzinga claimed that white Amer­i­cans are com­mit­ting “geno­cide” against Black males: “The Black male is being exterminated…The ones who are not being exter­mi­nated, they’re push­ing them to be gay and fags so they won’t be pro­duc­tive on repro­duc­ing babies. This is about genocide.”
  • Nzinga also blamed the shooting in Ferguson on the sup­pos­edly Jewish-controlled media. “Jews’ media and the Jews’ TV, they have made it look like we’re the vil­lains of Amer­ica…” said Nzinga. He also blamed vio­lence in Chicago on Mayor Rahm Emanuel who he described as “a Jew, and that Jew is a mas­ter at propaganda.”