
Palestinian Violence Glorified, Israel Demonized as Wave of Terror Persists

The wave of Palestinian terrorism in October, including the murder of a soldier in a drive-by shooting in the West Bank and a shooting attack in East Jerusalem, which claimed the life of Israeli soldier Noa Lazar, has once again brought to the fore the demonization of Israel and the glorification of violence.

Notably, the current wave of violence saw the emergence of a Palestinian terrorist organization called The Lion’s Den, a relatively small group based in the West Bank city of Nablus, which is responsible for several recent attacks against Israel. Over the last month, the Israeli army killed a number of the group’s top members, while others turned themselves in to Palestinian Authority security forces. 

It is also worth noting that the current wave of terrorism coincided with the commemoration of the 22nd anniversary of the Second Intifada on September 28. 

Inspired by the Lion’s Den terrorist activities, individuals and groups in the U.S. anti-Israel movement openly expressed support for violence, and in some cases, endorsed Palestinian terrorism against Israel. Some stated their support for “resistance by any means necessary,” while others urged people to “Never denounce Palestinian resistance,” even if “violence makes you uncomfortable.” Israel was demonized with accusations of “genocide,” “ethnic cleansing,” and “colonialism.” The slogan “Long Live the Intifada” was promoted by certain groups, and the members of the Lion’s Den group killed by Israeli forces were venerated as “martyrs” and “freedom fighters.”

Here are select examples from recent weeks:

Endorsement of armed struggle against Israel

Madison4Pali, an anti-Israel activist community group based in Madison, Wisconsin, urged supporters to “Never denounce Palestinian resistance,” even if “violence makes you uncomfortable.” [Instagram post]  

The US Palestinian Community Network, which has chapters across the U.S., specifically commended “militant confrontations” against Israel, saying that it “stands with our people rising up across the West Bank, leading militant confrontations … against the occupation forces.” [thread

The antisemitic Mapping Project referred to the Palestinian terrorists in Nablus as those who “righteously resist colonialism by any means necessary,” [thread] adding that “Resistance persists and repression to the inalienable right to resist persists in diaspora, as zionism is a racist and imperialist phenomenon with reach far wider than occupied Palestine.” [thread

Within Our Lifetime – Palestine, an anti-Israel group based in New York City, posted: “we know it is our duty to stand behind those resisting by any means necessary.” [Instagram post]

North NJ DSA BDS and Palestine Solidarity Working Group tweeted a meme saying that violence is justified in the case of “decolonial resistance.” [Instagram post

The group further glorified violence in another post, saying, “Militant Resistance is a reminder that Palestinians are far from powerless victims.” [Instagram post

Glorification of Palestinian terrorists

The Palestinian Youth Movement referred to Lion’s Den terrorist Oday Tamimi as a “martyr” who died “defending his homeland,” saying, “May Oday al-Tamimi rest in power. Glory to all of Palestine’s martyrs!” [thread

The Palestinian Youth Movement similarly glorified Tamer al-Kilani, a Lion’s Den founding member, as a martyr “who defended the city from zionist incursions.” [tweet

Jisr Collective posted in honor of Tamer al-Kilani, referring to him as “our beloved martyr.” [Instagram post]

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Jisr Collective glorified the Lion’s Den, and specifically Oday al-Tamimi, saying, “The resistance will never be tamed,” adding the Arabic hashtag, “#Uday.” [Instagram post

The U.S.-based Palestinian Feminist Collective glorified the Lion’s Den, saying, “When a martyr rises, thousands of freedom fighters are born.” [thread] This was re-posted by Rutgers University Professor, legal scholar, and activist Noura Erekat. [Instagram post

SJP Chicago referred to Oday al-Tamimi as a “martyr” and asserted, “his name will remain in the minds and hearts of every Palestinian who takes to the streets in the days and weeks to come.” [Instagram post

The Mapping Project professed that it was “inspired” by the current “resistance” by Palestinians and urged people “to dismantle oppressive actors wherever you live.” In a follow up tweet, they added: “Also: Oday,” referencing and venerating Palestinian terrorist Oday al-Tamimi. [thread

Glorification of the Second Intifada

Under the motto “Long Live the Intifada,” Within Our Lifetime – Palestine posted: “Over the course of the Al-Aqsa Intifada, nearly 5,000 Palestinians were martyred, from youth holding nothing but stones, to freedom fighters who took up arms to resist zionist genocide and ethnic cleansing.” [Instagram post]

The US Palestinian Community Network similarly posted: “Let us honor our martyrs and never forget, always resist, uphold the thawabet, and refuse to normalize the illegal occupation, ethnic cleansing, and genocide of our people. Long live the #Intifada!” [Instagram post]

National Students for Justice in Palestine similarly glorified the Intifada by using the motto “Long Live the Intifada.” [Instagram post

American Muslims for Palestine, an anti-Israel group with several chapters in the U.S., also lauded the Intifada, writing, “This period … was marked by unceasing resilience, resistance and sacrifice of Palestinians all over historic Palestine.” [Instagram post]