
Nationalist Social Club (NSC-131)

Nationalist Social Club

Key Points

  • NSC-131 is a neo-Nazi group based in the New England region.
  • Members consider themselves soldiers at war with a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race.
  • NSC-131 seeks to form an underground network of white men who are willing to fight against their perceived enemies through localized direct actions.
  • Members espouse racism, antisemitism and intolerance via the Internet, propaganda distributions and the use of graffiti.
  • The group participates in localized flash demonstrations, counter-protests, and makes appearances at mainstream events.
  • NSC-131 frequently trolls or otherwise harasses those who oppose them.


The Nationalist Social Club (NSC) or 131 Crew (131 is alphanumeric code for ACA, Anti-Communist Action and Anti-Capitalist Action) is a neo-Nazi group with small, autonomous regional chapters around the country. They also claim chapters in France, Hungary and Germany.

NSC-131 members consider themselves soldiers fighting a war against a hostile, Jewish-controlled system that is deliberately plotting the extinction of the white race. Their goal is to form an underground network of white men who are willing to fight against their perceived enemies through localized direct actions.

About NSC-131, In Their Own Words

“Our enemies work tirelessly to prevent White Men from attaining the greatest sense of purpose and belonging a man could ever achieve. What you see here are brothers united in struggle, engaging in a metapolitical war against those who wish to see our people dead, and the stakes have never been so high. We cannot offer you an easy life, but we can promise you an eternity of brotherhood, fulfillment, and legacy that comes from engaging in this war for survival at the highest degree that is sustainably possible.” NSC-131, Gab, May 2022

“The Nationalist Social Club is a pro-white, street-oriented fraternity dedicated to raising AUTHENTIC resistance to the enemies of our people in the New England area. This takes the form of networking, training, activism, outreach, and above all, ACTION.” NSC-131, Gab, April 2022.

Origins and Leadership

Originally named the New England Nationalists Club (NENC), the group was started in December 2019 by a handful of neo-Nazis in eastern Massachusetts. Led by Chris Hood, the group’s original focus was covering up anarchist and gang graffiti with their own graffiti in the areas of Worcester, Boston, Quincy, Rutland and Sturbridge. 

Nationalist Social Club

New England Nationalist Club GAB post of NENC and 131 graffiti December 2019

In early 2020, the group rebranded as the Nationalist Social Club. It expanded in May 2020 when the white supremacist Legion of St Ambrose fell apart, and the bulk of its membership joined NSC-131, forming a southern chapter dubbed NSC Dixie. NSC Dixie was most active in northeastern Tennessee but had members and associates in Florida, Kentucky, Texas and Virginia.

NSC-131 added Midwest and Southwest chapters in July, picking up members in Indiana and Arizona respectively. At one point, NSC-131 claimed supporters in France and a chapter in the German region of Rhine-Hesse. However, in August of 2021, NSC-131 disbanded all chapters outside of the New England area and are now focused solely on a six-state geographic area that includes Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont.

Chris Hood, the group’s founder, and leader has been involved with a range of far-right extremist groups since 2019 including associations with the anti-government movement, Proud Boys, and other white supremacist groups such as Patriot Front and The Base.

Hood has a criminal history including two recent arrests during NSC-131 activity. In July 2022, Hood was arrested and charged with affray, or fighting in public, while protesting outside of a Drag Queen Story hour in Jamaica Plains, a neighborhood in Boston. He was also arrested for drinking in public in March 2022 during an NSC-131 demonstration.

Activity and Tactics

Fearing extinction of the white race, NSC-131’s goal is to build an underground network of like-minded individuals willing “to mount a ruthless resistance” against their perceived enemies in the form of localized street actions. The group’s typical street actions include the distribution of propaganda, public demonstrations, private gatherings for networking, firearms or fitness training and efforts to “troll” or harass their aforementioned “enemies.”

Propaganda. In addition to using crude graffiti to mark their territory or turf, NSC-131 distributes propaganda in the form of stickers and fliers that often designate an area as a “131 ZONE.” In the same territorial vein, NSC-131 distributes propaganda that encourages the reporting of “any and all communist, gang, and anti-white activity” to NSC-131. The fliers are backed up by online claims that NSC-131 crews conduct “neighborhood watch patrols” and will use force to “uproot these people from your communities by any means necessary.”

“Criminal gangs will find no refuge anywhere a NSC operates. Whether they are peddling ideological falsehoods, or degenerate drugs and despair - we must take tangible action to secure not only our streets, but our posterity as a whole from the violent elements which threaten them. Not just on a political or ideological level, but on a direct and even physical level. We are dealing with international criminal gangs comprised of genetic filth that push illicit drugs like fentanyl on our people while rampaging all those who stand in their way. They do not understand anything more or less than FORCE. Uproot these people from your communities by any means necessary.” NSC, Telegram, September 17, 2020

The distribution of NSC propaganda is encouraged and does not require membership. This has resulted in occasional NSC propaganda distributions in states without significant or established NSC membership such as California, Maine, Nevada and Wisconsin.

Nationalist Social Club

NSC Propaganda images posted on Telegram July, August and September 2020

Antisemitism. NSC-131’s online propaganda is often antisemitic and includes the use of multiple parentheses or the “echo” symbol to indicate that entities (such as “the system” and media) are controlled by Jews or to communicate that NSC-131’s enemies are Jewish.

“We are Socialists. All corporations should be operating to advance the interests of it’s [sic] people – White People. Any, “ism” revolving around Capital is inherently Jewish in nature.” NSC-131, Gab, May 2022

NSC-131 graffiti has referenced antisemitic conspiracy theories claiming the Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, was behind the 9/11 attacks, and that the “proof” is the false claim that five Israeli Mossad agents were arrested on 9/11 by police who observed them filming and celebrating the attack. NSC-131 has also included the phrase “110 and never again” in its propaganda which is used by white supremacists to urge the United States to be the next and (what they believe to be) 110th place to expel Jews.

In August of 2020, NSC-131 posted Telegram images of Virginia members posing with a Nazi flag and giving Hitler salutes outside the Virginia Holocaust Museum. The photo was captioned “NSC Virginia visits the holohoax museum.” Members demonstrated outside of a Holocaust memorial a second time in Boston in May of 2021.  

Nationalist Social Club

NSC propaganda images posted on Telegram August and September 2020

Demonstrations and events. NSC-131 participates in private gatherings and flash demonstrations that often take the form of counter-protests. They often use video and images of these activities to create online propaganda.

Particularly focused on opposing the Black Lives Matter movement, members and associates of NSC-131 counter-protested BLM events on at least five occasions during the months of June and July 2020, soon after the murder of George Floyd. They posted videos of themselves purportedly destroying an MLK mural and burning BLM banners memorializing Breonna Taylor and George Floyd.

More recently, in November of 2021, 11 members of NSC-131 posed for a picture in front of a BLM community center in Pawtucket, RI and shared it on their Telegram channel. The group’s channel also posted an image of a sign for the BLM center vandalized with a sticker that was a collection of white supremacist symbols including a swastika, sonnenrad, SS bolt, and a fasces.

Beginning in December of 2021, NSC-131 has begun to increasingly target the LGBTQ+ community. NSC-131 has held events demonstrating against drag queen story hour events in New Hampshire and Boston. On August 7, 2022, NSC-131 demonstrated against a drag queen story hour event in Seaport, Boston, resulting in the host cancelling the event.  

Trolling.  Another element of NSC-131 activity is trolling, where members of the group harass their “perceived enemies” either in person or online. On their message boards, NSC-131 members call on their followers to contact perceived enemies, providing their contact information.

In May, 2022 NSC-131 made an online post calling their supporters to call a University of New Hampshire professor who they accused of normalizing pedophilia. NSC-131 has even targeted New Hampshire state representative Manny Espisita online, calling him “an occupier” who “has no right to be here.” Rep. Espisita was targeted after he posted to Twitter condemning the vandalism of a mural in his district by NSC-131 members.

NSC-131 members have also performed these actions offline. In August 2020, two NSC-131 members attended a Knox County Tennessee Republican Party Election Night celebration and later posted online that they attended the event to “dab on koshervatives.”  

Criminal Activity

Boston, MA, July 23, 2022: Chris Hood, the leader of NSC-131 was arrested and charged with affray (fighting in public) while attending an NSC-131 demonstration against a drag queen story hour.

East Providence, RI, June 21, 2022: Two NSC-131 members were arrested for obstruction after they refused to provide identification to police. The incident occurred while the members were hanging propaganda on utility polls in East Providence.

Hesse, Germany, September 2020: According to Belltower News, a Germany-based news platform that publishes reports on far-right extremism, an NSC-131 member was at the center of multiple police raids in Hesse. German police reported that the raids resulted in the seizure of weapons and Nazi paraphernalia. Investigations for suspicion of illegal weapon possession are underway.

Rogersville, Tennessee, July 2020: During a BLM rally, eight individuals associated with the NSC-131 were arrested for disorderly conduct after they allegedly attempted to agitate protesters by yelling profanity and racial slurs. Several were photographed during the event giving Hitler salutes. After their release from the Hawkins County Jail, the group posed in front of the Sherriff’s office.

Recent Activity

Nashua, NH, August 20, 2022: Approximately 18 NSM-131 members held a flash demonstration outside Nashua City Hall. Members held banners that read “Send them back” and “Justice for Julie.” The banners refer to Julie Graichen, a 34-year-old white woman who was stabbed to death in August, 2022 in Nashua, allegedly by an undocumented immigrant.

Boston, MA, August 7, 2022: Approximately 16 members of NSC-131 performed a demonstration against a drag queen story hour in the Seaport neighborhood. The event was eventually cancelled by its host, Patty Bourrée, who announced on Twitter that she did not want to create a possible violent situation for the children attending the event.

Boston, MA, July 23, 2022: Approximately 20 members of NSC-131 protested outside the Loring Greenough House in Boston where a children’s drag queen story hour was being held. NSC-131 members held a banner that read “Pedo Scum Off Our Streets,” referring to the conspiracy that LGBTQ+ individuals are pedophiles. Chris Hood was arrested during the demonstration and has been charged with affray, or fighting in public.

Billerica, MA, May 9, 2022: NSC-131 posted a call to action against the Billerica Public School System alleging a kindergarten teacher at the school system “brags about teaching Anti-White ideas to 5-year-olds.” The call to action included the email and phone number of the Billerica school board members.

Boston, MA, May 7, 2022: Approximately 29 members of NSC-131 gathered to protest perceived attacks on white individuals. NSC-131 held a banner that read "Anti- Whites FAFO (Fuck around, find out)", and handed out flyers alleging that black gangs are attacking elderly whites.

Durham, NH, April 2022: NSC-131 posted to their Telegram channel a call to action against a University of New Hampshire Professor who they claimed was attempting to normalize pedophilia. NSC-131 posted the phone numbers of the University and its sociology department, of which the professor is a member, telling followers to “Give UNH a call and let them know New Englanders will not accept this rhetoric being taught in our schools!” A couple of days later NSC-131 members posted flyers in Durham warning residents of the professor that included an image of him.

Boston, MA, March 20, 2022: Sunday March 20, 2022, approximately 18 members of NSC-131's Massachusetts chapter attended a St. Patrick’s Day parade in Boston. In a video that was later released by NSC-131 and posted to Telegram and Odysee we can see members walking through Boston to the parade route carrying an Irish flag as well as a flag with a Celtic cross, a symbol that has been coopted by white supremacist groups. Chris Hood was arrested at the event for drinking in public.

Boston, MA, January 24, 2022: On Sunday January 24, 2022 approximately 26 NSC-131 members protested in front of the Brigham and Women’s hospital. According to a post made to their Telegram, the protest was “to spread awareness of Brigham and Womens Hospitals Anti-White genocidal policies.”

Portsmouth, NH, December 18, 2021: 18 members of NSC-131 protested the Seacoast Repertory Theatre’s drag queen story hour, holding a banner which read “Drag Queens are Pedophiles!”. Members also handed out flyers promoting conspiracy theories about drag queens targeting children and false connections between the gay community and AIDS.

Boston, MA: On two separate occasions, one in October 2021 and one in November 2021, members of NSC-131 marched and demonstrated outside a Jamaica Plains co-op bookstore and organizing center with alleged ties to the antifa movement. Police were at the second protest, separating NSC-131 members from the bookstore.

Nashua, NH, August 9, 2021: On August 9, 2021, approximately 12 members of NSC-131 protested outside a high school in Nashua, New Hampshire during a school board meeting. Members gathered to demonstrate what they believed to be the implementation of Critical Race Theory in local schools. At the event members marched to the school grounds and clashed with counter protesters before being separated by police.

Nashua, NH, May 2021: New Hampshire state representative Manny Espisita was allegedly targeted online by NSC-131, who stated on Telegram that Rep. Espisita “has no moral right to throw shade at any true (White) Nationalist New Hampshirite. You have no right to be here, you’re an occupier here & the days of these types trampling on New England are coming to an end.” Rep. Espisita was targeted after he posted to Twitter condemning the vandalism of a mural in his district by NSC-131 members. The mural was defaced with stencils reading: “Keep New England White,” “Defend New England,” and “Death to Israel”.

Boston, MA, May 23, 2021: Approximately 10 members of the NCS-131 held a flash demonstration in front of the Holocaust Memorial in Boston.

Richmond, VA, August 2020: NSC-131 posted on Telegram images of Virginia members posing with a Nazi flag and giving Hitler salutes outside the Virginia Holocaust Museum. The photo was captioned, “NSC Virginia visits the holohoax museum.”

Knox County, TN, August 2020: Two NS-131 members attended a Knox County Tennessee Republican Party Election Night celebration. They later posted an image online purportedly taken inside the banquet with the caption, “A couple NSC Dixie members went to a GOP election party to eat free food, drop flyers, and dab on koshervatives. The GOPers were obsessed with talking about how friendly they are with faggots and virtue signaling to liberalism. The GOP is our enemy.”

Boston, MA, June 28, 2020: Five NSC-131 members drew attention when they attended a blue lives matter rally titled “Restore Sanity” in Boston holding a white supremacist sonnerad flag. They later claimed their attendance of the event was an elaborate trolling effort designed to drive “normies away from blue lives rallies” and ultimately force “the (((system))) to suspect their own supporters.” 

Knoxville, TN, May 2020: Members hung a sign that read “JOGGER” on the Alex Haley statue in Knoxville, Tennessee. The word “jogger” is a newly-coined white supremacist term for a Black man, and references Ahmaud Arbery, who was murdered while jogging in his Georgia neighborhood.

Knoxville, TN, June 2020: NSC-131 posted an image of a member giving a Hitler salute while standing on the porch of a residence used by a Knoxville-based anti-fascist group. The photo was captioned, “Just popping in to deliver some reading material to the local Antifa drug den...”