
Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

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Daniel Haqiqatjou is an antisemite and conspiracy theorist who also spreads anti-LGBTQ+ and misogynistic rhetoric. He is the founder, editor-in-chief and contributor at the Muslim Skeptic, an online magazine that frequently elevates antisemitic tropes and antisemitic conspiracy theories under the guise of legitimate criticism of Israel or Jewish law.  


Haqiqatjou has praised Hamas and its October 7, 2023, terror attack on Israel across his social media profiles and shared age-old antisemitic tropes about Jewish and Israeli influence over global politics, including the belief that “Jews manipulate [Evangelical Christians] into serving the Zionist cause.” He has promoted 9/11 conspiracy theories, suggesting that Israel and the Mossad were behind the attacks, and has also implied that there is a link between the LGBTQ+ community and child molestation.  
Haqiqatjou has broad exposure on social media, with more than 128,000 followers on X, 147,000 connections on Facebook and more than 30,000 subscribers to his Telegram channel. He appears in multiple videos uploaded to the Muslim Skeptic’s YouTube and Rumble channels, which combined have more than 387,000 subscribers. Haqiqatjou regularly engages in debates about religion with Muslim and non-Muslim figures and is occasionally invited to speak on campuses and in mosques in the U.S. and around the world.  
Haqiqatjou describes himself as a defender of Muslims and Islam, but by manipulating scripture and out-of-context quotes by religious figures, he vilifies other religions, particularly Judaism and Hinduism. Further, he depicts Judaism as an adversary, asserting that "no religion on earth is as hostile to Christianity and Islam as Judaism.”

In His Own Words

Reactions to the October 7 Massacre in Israel:

  • Haqiqatjou is a proud supporter of the 10/7 “al-Aqsa Flood” massacre. The day after October 7, Haqiqatjou praised the attack by posting a picture of a paraglider on his social media —referencing Hamas’s use of paragliders to infiltrate Israel and attack civilians. He also posted on his Telegram channel that supporting the massacre was a matter of religious obligation, saying, “A Muslim who condemns Oct 7 is a hypocrite and a traitor to Islam.” He argued that “if one were to criticize Hamas for anything, it would be for an overly soft and forgiving attitude towards genocide perpetrators.”  

Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

Screenshot: Facebook 

  • In his efforts to legitimize the October 7 attacks and to promote vile conspiracy theories, Haqiqatjou denied rape accusations made by Israeli victims. He also denied that the Nova Festival massacre ever took place. On his X account, Haqiqatjou asserted that these two claims are a hoax perpetrated by the “US-Israeli empire” with the aim of promoting anti-Muslim hate: "The U.S-Israeli empire constantly produces hoaxes and lies to generate hatred against the Muslim world (e.g, ...rape of Israeli ravers)." In another instance, he posted a picture of Nova Festival attendees in hiding and wrote, "They really expect people to believe this." 

  • Haqiqatjou claims that “Israel and its policy of apartheid and genocide" is "legitimized" by "racist and violent teachings in the Jewish religion,” specifically the Talmud. The Talmud is one of Judaism’s most sacred texts; antisemites frequently quote the text out of context to advance their antisemitic beliefs.  

Pushing Antisemitic Conspiracies:

  • Haqiqatjou promotes classic antisemitic tropes, which he disguises as criticism of the state of Israel and Zionism. Some of his posts claim that Israel and the Mossad are behind psychological warfare operations that are meant to serve the interests of Israel, including:  

    • Explicitly claiming that the Jewish financier and sex offender Jeffrey Epstein “worked for Israeli Mossad to videotape powerful figures raping children to create blackmail material, ensuring those figures acted in accordance w/ Israeli interests.”  

    • Stating that the Islamic State terror organization was created by the Israeli intelligence to serve Israeli interests.  

    • Suggesting multiple times that Israel was behind the 9/11 attacks.  

Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

Screenshot: Telegram 

  • Haqiqatjou highlights individual cases of Jewish rabbis engaged in child molestation to allege that this phenomenon is intrinsic to Judaism. He argues that Jewish perpetrators get away with these actions because of their alleged influence. For example, in January 2024, in reaction to the antisemitic conspiracies circulating about the passageways located under the Chabad Headquarters in Brooklyn, NY, he posted: “This is what some NYC Jews are doing in full view and approval of city officials [referring to the performance of the controversial metzitzah b’peh ritual]. I wonder what they were doing that had to be hidden in secret tunnels.”  

Misogynist Rhetoric

  • Haqiqatjou vehemently opposes feminism, which he blames for convincing women to beautify themselves for “strange men,” an act that, in his view, “causes literal pain for their husbands, fathers, sons, and other male family members.” 

Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

Screenshot: X 

  • On his Telegram channel, he describes “the modern woman” as stupid and unaware of the putative societal rules that define her attractiveness, arguing that a woman’s attractiveness “decreases with age;” “decreases with the number of sexual partners she’s had;” “decreases if she has children from previous relationships;” “does not increase the more degrees she has or the higher her job title.”  

Anti-LBGTQ Hate

  • Haqiqatjou draws a direct line between homosexuality and pedophilia.  

Daniel Haqiqatjou: What You Need to Know

Screenshot: Telegram

  • Haqiqatjou wages a campaign on social media against the LGBTQ+ community, which he often refers to as “Qawm Lut” (translates from Arabic to “People of Lot”—a derogatory term that originates from the story of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah, who, according to some interpretations of religious scripture, engaged in homosexual acts). On his social media accounts, Haqiqatjou has spoken out against individuals he calls the “pro-LGBT degenerate[s],” who he believes are working against Islam.  

  • According to Haqiqatjou, the “trans agenda,” being promoted by companies such as Starbucks, targets fathers with the goal of emasculating them. He elaborated on this viewpoint in a post shared on his Telegram channel: “Notice how this ad attacks the older fathers. They put the most pressure on the older father generation because that's who stands against such degeneracy. The goal is to transform all those fathers into simp cucks." This he warns, is what happened to the American Muslim community: “Many religious Muslim men in the older generation (not liberals) have been brainwashed.”