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Civics Lesson
GRADE LEVEL: High School
Implicit Bias
What is Bias? What is Implicit Bias?
In What Ways Could Bias Have an Impact on Your Civic Participation?
The U.S. Constitution embodies ideals of equal opportunity and fair treatment for all and is reinforced by laws like the Civil Rights Act and Title IX. Yet, marginalized people who have experienced discrimination and unfair treatment historically, continue to do so in the present day. The stories in the news and social media seem to indicate that racism, sexism and other forms of bias and discrimination are becoming more pervasive. Why? In part, it’s because people discriminate based on factors they’re not even aware of, implicit biases.
Understanding bias and discrimination is integral to civics education because it relates to our civil rights. Our institutions, from schools to law enforcement to the court systems, need to treat its people fairly. In order to do so, it is crucial that we understand our own implicit biases.
About the Lesson Plan
In this lesson, students explore implicit bias and self-reflect about situations in which they have experienced or encountered everyday type of bias.
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.R.2
- CCSS.ELA-Literacy.CCRA.SL.1
- Understand what implicit and explicit bias are and provide examples.
- Reflect on situations in which they have experienced everyday bias, either as a target or a witness.
- Differentiate between implicit and explicit bias.