Press Release

ADL Reacts to President's Remarks Once Again Blaming Both Sides for Charlottesville Violence

New York, NY, September 15, 2017... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today reacted to remarks by President Donald Trump repeating that both sides were at fault for the deadly violence at a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville last month. The president reiterated his position on Charlottesville following a meeting with Sen. Tim Scott, the lone African-American in the U.S. Senate.

Jonathan A. Greenblatt, ADL CEO, issued the following statement:

"It is sad that the President seems not to have learned from his conversation with Senator Scott or from the unanimous vote from Congress condemning the neo-Nazis and white supremacists in Charlottesville. If he is not going to provide the moral leadership the country needs on this issue, we are glad that leaders from both parties are stepping up and doing so."