Press Release

ADL Statement Regarding X/Twitter

New York, NY, October 4, 2023 … ADL (the Anti-Defamation League) issued the following statement today regarding recent developments with X/Twitter:

“In light of recent events, it feels like a useful moment to clarify the ADL position on X and its leadership.

"As we have noted in our research over the past several years, X – along with other social media platforms – has a serious issue with antisemites and other extremists using these platforms to push their hateful ideas and, in some cases, bully Jewish and other users.

"We appreciate X’s stated intent over the last few weeks to address antisemitism and hate on the platform. This has been useful; more needs to be done; and, as we have with other companies, in the spirit of collaboration, we are hopeful that we can continue to engage with X on this important matter.

"We want to do so because ADL fights antisemitism, hate, and extremism across all platforms and regardless of party or ideology. We attempt to work with each platform in a constructive manner. We engage with all of them routinely on how to make their platforms better.

"To be clear, any allegation that ADL has somehow orchestrated a boycott of X or caused billions of dollars of losses to the company or is “pulling the strings” for other advertisers is false. Indeed, we ourselves were advertising on the platform until the anti-ADL attacks began a few weeks ago. We now are preparing to do so again to bring our important message on fighting hate to X and its users.

"A better, healthier, and safer X would be a win for the world. We’ve said that publicly and repeatedly, and we hope that company leadership shares that goal as well. As we do with all platforms, we will credit X as it moves in that direction, and we also will call it out when it has not.

"For over a century, ADL has worked across the political spectrum and with a wide range of companies and organizations to promote tolerance and religious freedom while challenging antisemitism and hate. We know that the vast majority of Americans share these goals.  By working collaboratively with X and other platforms, we endeavor to further this common mission while respecting the Constitutional right to free speech and religious liberty that belongs to all of us.” 


ADL is the leading anti-hate organization in the world. Founded in 1913, its timeless mission is “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” Today, ADL continues to fight all forms of antisemitism and bias, using innovation and partnerships to drive impact. A global leader in combating antisemitism, countering extremism and battling bigotry wherever and whenever it happens, ADL works to protect democracy and ensure a just and inclusive society for all.