U.S. Elected Officials Targeted by Vandalism and Threats Following October 7 Attacks
In the weeks following the October 7 Hamas terror attack on Israel, political activists have targeted elected officials – and their offices – with harassment and vandalism. Many of these incidents featured anti-Israel rhetoric, allegations of support for genocide and demands for a ceasefire.
Fewer than half of the elected officials who have reported being targeted by protestors are Jewish. All targeted individuals have expressed support for Israel, and most have…
La ADL reporta un aumento histórico de los incidentes antisemitas después del 7 de octubre
Desde la masacre de Hamás se han denunciado más de 2.000 incidentes en Estados Unidos, un aumento del 337 por ciento
Nueva York, NY, 11 de diciembre de 2023 ... Según datos preliminares publicados hoy, desde la masacre de Hamas en Israel el 7 de octubre, los incidentes antisemitas en Estados Unidos alcanzaron la cifra más alta durante cualquier período de dos meses desde que la Liga Antidifamación (ADL) comenzó a hacer seguimiento en 1979.
Campus Antisemitism is Reverberating Around the Globe
By: Andrew Srulevitch
Hostility towards Jewish students on American college and university campuses has rightly been in the news. Physical and verbal assaults, death threats, and antisemitic slogans are intimidating these students and preventing them from getting the education and college experiences they deserve. Less known, but no less worrying, this same phenomenon plagues Jewish students at universities around the world.
In June, I met with British, Spanish and French…
Anti-Muslim Hate Surfaces Nationwide as Israel-Hamas War Continues
Jewish and Muslim communities worldwide have been rocked by the impact of Hamas’s October 7, 2023 war on Israel, its massacre of over 1,200 people and Israel’s military response targeting Hamas and other terrorists in Gaza. That impact has included an increased number of threats against both Jewish and Muslim communities, per the FBI and ADL.
In the U.S., a number of post-October 7 incidents targeting Muslim, Palestinian and Arab American individuals appear to be…
Post 10/7, BDS Activists Are Refocused on Attacking Israeli, Jewish Businesses and Individuals
Since the Hamas-led terror massacre in southern Israel on October 7, 2023, BDS (Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions) campaigns directly targeting “Zionist” institutions, businesses or individuals, have persisted in response to Israel’s operations against Hamas in the Gaza Strip. BDS is a component of a long history of campaigns and efforts to delegitimize and isolate Israel. In recent years, this has explicitly focused on the rejection, isolation and marginalization of …
Graphic Violence Policy, Enforcement, and Features Checklist
Center for Tech & Society checklist maps platform policies, moderation standards, product features and user controls to address graphic violent content online.
Responsible Reporting: Labeling Hamas as a Terrorist Organization
Since October 7, 2023, top news sources have published thousands of reports, articles, and stories covering the Israel and Hamas conflict. These sources vary in the terminology they use to describe Hamas, which affects how audiences view the conflict.
Hamas is an extremist organization that calls for the eradication of the State of Israel. The United States, Australia, Canada, the European Union, Japan and the UK have all designated Hamas as a terrorist organization.1
2023 Shareholder Roundup: Israel-Related Proposals Hold Steady with Focus on Human Rights in Conflict-Affected Areas
Since the 1970s, some shareholders of publicly traded companies have used “shareholder proposals” as a form of activism to encourage more responsible corporate behavior and to raise concern on issues that a company may not be adequately managing. Proposals can include demands that companies divest from certain funds or entities, uphold codes of conduct, improve disclosure on environmental and social topics, or make tangible commitments to improving business practices.
As Israel-Hamas War Rages, Activist Groups Launch Anti-Israel “Toolkits”
Toolkits are a popular tool for activists to share information and organize around a topic or policy demand, from city hall resolutions to Congressional action. There is nothing inherently nefarious about activists wishing to effect change. However, in the post-October 7 landscape, some anti-Israel activists’ rhetoric include outright support for terrorism.
In certain cases, the rhetoric in these calls to action crosses the line into support for or minimization of terror. If…
Conspiracy Theories, Some with Antisemitic Roots, Crop Up in 2023 Shareholder Proposals
The 2023 shareholder season heralded a new element of shareholder proposals: conspiracy theories. The National Center for Public Policy Research (NCPPR) and National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) each filed such proposals; both are self-described conservative watchdog organizations. NCPPR’s primary focus is public policy research and education, while NLPC promotes ethics in government, advocating for limitations on “big government.”
NCPPR filed at least seven…
Sliding Through: Spreading Antisemitism on TikTok by Exploiting Moderation Gaps
ADL Center for Tech and Society found that users may avoid TikTok’s content moderation by posting images and that slurs can be accessed and posted as hashtags.
Tis the Season for Difficult Conversations: A Guide to Online and Offline Discourse
ADL Center for Tech and Society offers a social media explainer to help guide online and offline dialogue around the war in Gaza between Israel and Hamas.
Hamas’ Terror Campaign Reveals the True Face of the Iranian Regime – Yet Again
By Meir Javedanfar
Following Hamas’ deadly terror campaign targeting Israel on October 7, it didn’t take long for officials of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its media platforms to glorify Hamas’ violence and join its antisemitic vitriol. This is not surprising given the financial and military assistance the Iranian regime has provided terror organizations Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) since the early 1990s. It is also not surprising that some figures,…
Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) and the Israel-Hamas war
Promoters of conspiracy theories and hate are using generative artificial intelligence (GAI) to create misleading content about the Israel-Hamas war. This not only amplifies confusion and hate on social media; it can also cause some to doubt the validity of actual war images, creating unnecessary suspicion at a time of deeply polarized public opinion. ADL’s previous research includes recommendations on what tech companies should do to address heinous abuses of GAI technology such as…
Some U.S. Professors Praise Hamas’s October 7 Terror Attacks
Since Hamas’s October 7, 2023, massacre of 1,400 people in Israel, U.S.-based anti-Israel activists and organizations have justified, excused and even venerated the terror group’s actions that day, some using overtly antisemitic rhetoric. That includes a number of U.S. university professors, some of whom have expressed inflammatory views, celebrating Hamas’s actions on October 7 as “heroic” or an “achievement” and calling for “Zionists” to…
Most Americans Exposed to Hateful Online Misinformation About Israel/Hamas War
An ADL survey found 70% of Americans had viewed misinformation about the war or hateful content directed towards Jews, Israelis, Muslims, Palestinians, or Arabs.